

Ikufumi Katayama YNU, Department of Physics Ultrafast and terahertz physics
Jun Takeda YNU, Department of Physics Condensed-matter photophysics
Satoshi Kusaba YNU, Department of Physics Two-dimensional materials and photo-physics
Yoshiaki Nishijima YNU, Department of Electrical Engineering Plasmonics
Yosuke Mizuno YNU, Department of Electrical Engineering Fiber sensing
Yoko Kebukawa Tokyo Institute of Technology Analytical and astrophysical chemistry
Ryo Tamaki KISTEC Ultrafast spectroscopy
Kazuhiro Yanagi Tokyo Metroplitan University Nano-optical physics
Motoaki Bamba YNU, Department of Physics Condensed-matter photophysics
Junichiro Kono Rice Univ. Optical physics
Tetsuya Matsunaga JAXA Materials science


Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE)

  • “Japan-US Network for Clean Energy Technologies Involving Oriented Nanotubes” PIRE JUNCTION