
About the center

Our group aims at developing new spectroscopic techniques using ultrashort pulsed lasers to visualize currently invisible phenomena, and exploring the applications to materials science, nano-technology, optical and/or wireless communications, and chemistry. The currently running projects include development of a terahertz oscilloscopes, terahertz spectroscopy and imaging, nanoscale spectroscopy using scanning probe microscopes, and materials characterization using ultrafast coherent phonon spectroscopy and/or high-harmonics generations. We believe the visualizations of those ultrafast and nanoscale dynamics could be a basis for controlling materials properties and developing useful devices in the future.

What's New

Dr. Tamaki of KISTEC visits a group of Prof. Serge Bielawski at Lille University for a few weeks. He will do collaborative research on terahertz oscilloscopes. Good luck!
We launched the homepage for the center.